Higher Self connection workshop – Level 2

FULL-DAY WORKSHOP to attend if you have already attended level 1 and want to deepen your connection with your being or to understand the different phases that you are already going through and will go through, in addition to receiving new tools for the different stages of the dissolution of the Ego.
It’s for you if…
You understand what the process of connection to your Higher Self is and you’ve started it but you are overwhelmed by its setbacks.
You lack tools to overcome the different tests of the process of connection with your Higher Self.
You’ve been through stages of a lot of confusion during the process and you don’t know what it is.
There are missing pieces that fit while at the connection process with your Higher Self.
- What does “living from your Higher Self” imply?
- Situations in the different phases of connection with you Higher Self
- The traps of Ego-Higher Self and their levels
- Practicing the prayer of connecting with your Higher Self
- Checking the connection status with your Higher Self
- Divine obedience
- Traps from Darkness
- Activation of karma and its cancellation
- Help from the Shemot (72 Hebrew names of God)
- Past Lives selves integration
- 3D and 5D time
- Exercise of the Multidimesional sphere
- The Ego and the search for the truth
- Exercise for Ego-selves dissolution
- Matrix Maestra® waves for the connection
- Feminine energy in the secret of Jesus Christ
- The male Ego, Isis poison and discernment
- The Ego at the service of your Higher Self
- Help from Future lives selves
- Information about the Hebrew pendulum
- Cosmic Child to access your Higher Self
- Mini Constellations Higher Self/Cosmic child
How does it work?
We’ll go over important concepts about the difference between living from the mind-ego and living from your Higher Self and explain the possible situations that one lives in the process.
The new tools that are given at this level are practiced during the workshop and are combined with the reception of waves of Matrix Maestra® that help in your connection.
If time allows, the last part of the workshop is dedicated to making several mini constellations in parallel where each participant will experience and find out their stage of connection with their Higher Self and Cosmic Child.
You will receive advice on the possible tools and/or additional therapies that can go better on the path to your Higher Self.
I will share new channeled information for the new stages of connection with your Higher Self that more and more people are living.
“The Ego seeks the truth, the Higher Self lives in it”
With this workshop you’ll be able to…
Understand the apparent regressions in your process of connection with your Higher Self.
Understand the truss of the process and its tests.
See more clearly the need of the emotional and karmic process.
Have new tools to use in different stages and tests.
Understand the importance of connecting with a higher level of humility and divine obedience in the process.
Be more prepared for the new tests you’ll find on the way to your mastery.
Feel more clearly the projects of your life that are aligned with your Higher Self and you will live the positive consequences of it.